Marvel Cinematic reproduction of their novel characters was devastatingly rich and magnificent which lead to an onslaught of its competitor. Dark Knight shed traces of evidence of DC’s existential legacy. The onset of Tony Stark and his fellow Avengers,elevates Marvel multiverse to unimaginable heights and expectations that started questioning and tormenting DC’s cinematic reproduction.

The Tombstone of Superhero, Tony Stark in Avengers:End Game could possibly mark the end of an era ruled by the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse. A very strategical move to release a JOKER, Supervillain who personifies DC.

The movie begins by pitching in the character of Arthur Fleck. A mentally ill, impoverished stand-up comedian disregarded by society, whose lack of success causes him to become a nihilistic criminal. First half of the movie interestingly resonates, a realistic dark low life of this citizen of Gotham City. Joaquin’s acting and dedication to the character is a visual treat, that would certainly leave a great scar on the memories of the audience. Upon establishing the character of Arthur Fleck, the movie just gets exponentially better every scene and keeps you glued to the screen until the End, though in my case, I was not satisfied that the movie should have ended here. Joaquins acting will leave you wanting for more even after the movie ends.

“Phillips & co screenwriter Scott silver designed a film that demands multiple viewings. One of Jokers strengths is that anyone will be able to argue their side about what was real and what was imagined and no one will be able to say another’s read of it is inaccurate.” – IGN on Joker